Interview de bloggueur : Bobby, du blog This Fellow

Aujourd'hui, je vous propose de découvrir Bobby, jeune américain super looké du blog This Fellow, et, ça ne gâche rien, super beau gosse. Oui, je suis secrètement amoureuse de lui, mais qui ne le serait pas ? J'étais très contente et très étonnée qu'il accepte de répondre à mes questions ! Pour info, désolé mesdemoiselles, il sort avec Keiko Lynn, bloggueuse bien connue des fashionistas et tout à fait ravissante ! Je vous laisse maintenant découvrir l'interview de Bobby !

Today, I'd like to introduce you to Bobby, the super handsome & stylish blogger from This Fellow. Sorry ladies, he's happily dating the beautiful Keiko Lynn! Now, discover what he had to answer to my questions:

Hi Bobby! Can you first present yourself and your blog? When did you open it, and why?

 My name is Bobby Hicks. I am a 25 year old blogger, full-time bartender/cook/doer. I opened my blog in June of 2010 because my girlfriend, Keiko, suggested that I start one. I didn't know much about blogging or what I would write about, but I took a chance with it, had fun and just wrote what I would find interesting.  I don't know if it's worked, but I'm enjoying it.

How did you meet Keiko? 

I met Keiko about 6 or 7 years ago in Florida through mutual friends - she was from Fort Lauderdale, living in Orlando, while going to school, and I was born in Orlando.  We've been best friends nearly the whole time but decided to start dating about 3 years ago.

Do you think the fact that you're both bloggers brought you closer? 

I've been helping Keiko with Postlapsaria and her blog for a while now, taking pictures when and where I can, so that she wouldn't have to rely on a remote and a tripod, like she had in the past.  Everything started with her testing the exposures of the camera on me first, so that I could take the pictures more easily.  I know nothing about cameras.  Since, we've tried to get a little more creative in the locations.  We wanted to have more fun with everything, so I would say that this has brought us closer together.

Where do you get inspiration for your style? Has Keiko influenced your fashion sense?

I can't really say that I've taken inspiration from one place, time or person.  Inspiration is everywhere, especially in New York.  Keiko has definitely been there to help me decide between things, to give the final word, in terms of style.  She's been doing this for a while.  I trust her judgment.

Do all your tattoos have a special significance for you? Which one is your favorite? 

My tattoos have their own meanings to me, but I honestly was more aware of the flow of a piece, rather than simply a meaning.  It's hard to say whether I have a favorite single tattoo, because many just lump into each other, but I'd have to say that my chest piece with "O' Captain" - Walt Whitman - written in the banner or my leg sleeve are my favorites.  Too many of my pieces are unfinished, so who knows? Maybe in another couple years I'll have a new favorite.

What's your favorite song to play on your guitar? 

I'm honestly not very good at the guitar, so I can't play much. I usually play the same things every time I plug into my pocket amp. I'd have to say the song I enjoy playing the most was from a band I used to play music with.  We'd called it "Celestial Night Fever Fantastica", but they have a new title for it now.
I play it entirely differently than they do, but I like the way I play it. 
If I could play something else, I'd learn to play more classical music.  My musical taste is all over the place, though.  I'll go from listening to The Dillinger Escape Plan to Miles Davis to Minus The Bear to Rachmaninov.  Keep your mind moving.

What's your best and worst experience linked to your blog? 

I've never really had any bad experiences with my blog. I'd have to say, though, that the best experiences have been when people tell me that they've taken the time to recreate a dish that I posted and that they loved it.  It's the best feeling.

Do you think one's style is a reflection of who he / she is?
I think that a person's style is a great way to express who they are without words.  I won't say that it defines somebody because fashion evolves more quickly than a person will, but clothing is there to make us feel good about ourselves, if even for just one night. 

As a blogger, we get send clothes from time to time. I personally love that, but at the same time, I'm afraid I'll turn spoiled or I won't appreciate the value of things anymore. What's your opinion on the matter? 
Living with Keiko, I have become good friends with the UPS guy. We get stuff delivered often enough.  I love watching her open things because she is always so grateful for what she gets and she'll promote something a lot if she likes it.  I don't get things sent to me very often, but when I do, it's wonderful and I love everything I get. I think that the people who lose their appreciation for the value of things simply never had a realistic idea of what it was to begin with.  Keiko and I have had to work incredibly hard to own the things that we do, and that has taught us to appreciate everything we own, purchase or receive.

What are your favorite e-shops? 
I don't really shop online, but when I do it's usually on eBay or

How much do you spend on clothes every month, approximately? 

I don't spend much on clothing. Basics don't ring in a lot on my wallet, and mostly everything I get is from H&M or other economical, stylish stores. I really love thrifting for clothing.  It's cheap and I tend to find more things that I couldn't find elsewhere. 


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  1. Ah oui, j'avais connu son blog grâce à celui de sa copine Keiko Lynn, j'adore leur style! Merci pour cette interview!

  2. Cool interview slanelle! And thanks for sharing this amazing blogger! :)

  3. amazing! I love the interview.. Bobby and Keiko are a perfect couple and they both are so adorable. As you said, Slanelle, you made an interview that everyone will love. And it works :)

  4. C'est bien que des mecs se mettent à faire des blogs sur la mode!

    J'adore les mec qui prennent soin d'eux!
    J'aime ces looks!

  5. I always love his fashion style because My husband would love to wear them all, but I don't follow his blog, just Keiko Lynn's. I feel weird about following a guys' blog when I'm married. Anyway he seems really interesting and cool. great interview.

  6. @ Victoria : ahah don't feel weird about following his blog. He's good looking, sure, but most of all, he has an amazing style! He's a good source of inspiration for us to buy new clothes to our boyfriend / husband ;)

  7. Ralalalalalalala… C'est vrai qu'il est CA.NON !!!!!! <3

  8. Ahlalalallaala keiko a de la chance de se réveiller chaque matin à ses côtés et il a de la chance lui aussi, beau couple.

  9. He is sooooo adorable <3

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    xxx, Eranda

  10. Ho mon dieu, je ne connaissait pas, son style est parfait!!!! et qu'est-ce qu'il est beau, bordel, c'est pas possible!!!!!!!

  11. what a wonderful interview. He's so candid. I love his blog. And the sweet things he says about Keiko warm my heart every time.

  12. @ Yummy Yo: t'as vu ! Moi il me rend guedin !

  13. Sourire tombeur, et puis le tatouage et la p'tite chemise de bucheron, mais c'est le mec parfait !


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