New Hair Cut

Ok, today i did something very stupid : I cut my own hair. I advise you never to do that.

Aujourd'hui, j'ai été très bête, je me suis coupé les cheveux moi même. Les amis, ne faites pas ca chez vous.

I received my Topshop Extra Large Tshirt and I love it, it is exactly the kind of thing I want to wear everyday, it's so simple and comfy. I love the zippers on the shoulders !

J'ai recu mon Tshirt extra large de chez Topshop, je l'adore, c'est tout à fait le genre de vetement que je voudrais porter tous les jours, simple et confortable ! Et puis, pour le style, il y a deux zip sur les épaules.

Oh and I made this headband by myself, and I'm so proud of it :D

Cet aprem, ca ma pris, j'ai customisé mon bandeau pour les cheveux !

headband : handmade / coat : Zara / Shirt : Topshop / Tregging : Pimkie / Boots : Office


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  1. hm i actually have both good and bad experiences with cutting my hair myself. the bangs im currently having - i cut them myself and am quite content.

    you do look gorgeous though! i dont believe u have to worry!

  2. The headband!! Can I steal it from you ?

  3. Your hair looks lovely, i think you did a very good job. My boyfriend makes me cut his hair, i get so panicky everytime. xx

  4. wow considering you cut it yourself it's pretty great! love the top, topshop does a lot of great zippered tops, huh, really nice that you paired it with the headband like that as well!

  5. Très Westwood les bottes si je ne me trompe pas ?

  6. oui, en fait ce sont des office, imitation westwood !

  7. love the top, it looks so cool!
    And the head band looks really great, how did you make it? :D

    take care, make peace

  8. The headband is really cool! And I know the feeling. I've also cutted my hair once. Never again

  9. Merci du conseil je le suivrais alors :)

  10. Elle est très sympa cette tenue ! J'aime beaucoup la frange.

  11. J'adore ta petite frange sa faiT un visage de poupée :D

  12. We don't see your hair very well but it doesn't look bad. I cut my hair myself all the time, and yes, sometimes I regret it the second after!

  13. j'ai fait la même erreur l'an passé, j'ai du allé chez le coiffeur le lendemain pour rattraper ça, parce que c'était la cata!

  14. quelle magnifique veste !!j'adore la fermeture eclair !!

  15. J'adore le tee-shirt.
    Vive topshop ;)

  16. super hype ton tee shirt à zip !
    sérieux il gère ! ahah

  17. Hi everyone
    My name is Tom, Im 38 yrs old, living in Fort Worth, TX.

    I'd love to make good close friends here.

    So how is everyone doing?? :)


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